Mind Over Matter
"If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place." -Lao Tzu
Everyone knows that without our brain, nothing is possible. It controls everything that we do, and do not do. So why is it easy to understand this concept but not easy to understand that our thoughts make up our realities? I have heard so many times throughout my life that a negative mind will never give you a positive life and the same people who preach this positive message are the ones plagued with negativity. This is not to degrade them, but to show you that everyone you see, even the most "bright" and "happy" people in your life are plagued with their own fears and negative thought cycles. We find it easy to believe these small quotes but like most of the information we gather we cannot recall them when we need them the most (Ok students you understand) But WHY do we forget the most important things? Because we have developed a phenomena called overconfidence which psychologists say is the start of all human bias. We think, "oh I know that! That's easy to remember" and when it comes time to answer or apply, we simply fail. We fail ourselves everyday when we feel stuck in our environment. We fail ourselves when we go to that job everyday that we hate. We fail when we stay in that toxic relationship (friendship and/or romantic) We fail when we listen to others more than we listen to ourselves. We fail when we give up on ourselves... Realize that these are all situations we have CHOSEN to be in. We tend to think that I can't do better than this or my bills are more important or they promised me they were going to change and what I think doesn't even matter... Realize that we have chosen to believe and accept the lies around us. One of the greatest lies I have heard in my adult life is that, " I don't have a choice." YOU a human being, YOU who is a breathing living SOUL. YOU who has the same brain that created the Pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Colosseum has a choice. Someone in your life lied to you or you have lied to yourself because when you cleanse your mind of the lies, hate, unforgiveness, and pity you will see that your life will finally become a reflection of your true self.