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To anyone who wonders upon this website, welcome and thank you. I welcome you into my thoughts, my hopes, my desires, and my issues. I thank you for giving me your time. Time is the most precious gift and for you to choose to spend it with me, even virtually is a blessing. I hope through this blog you will learn from me, and with your comments, learn from you. This, with all things I hold dear, is a mirror of myself, my spirit. It takes courage to be vulnerable during these times… so be gentle to me and to yourself. Once again, welcome, and thank you.

I have a story within me, and it will not lay dormant any longer. This is my promise to you, Katie. 

We Rise

I see you floating peacefully on the water smiling looking content

I see you splashing the water over your face to hide the tears

I see your limbs moving frantically beneath the still water trying to keep yourself from sinking any further.

I see you laughing loudly with your wide vibrant smile

I see you correcting your voice to hide the yell for help you accidentally let out

I see you reaching for that towel to give to someone else to help them dry off

I see you hoping they will dry and leave you to be alone

I see you sinking ever so slowly to not cause a scene

I see your body motionless beneath the waters surface

I see you jerk and flail as bubbles rise and release the bellows of your aching mind

I see you looking up at me

I see you scared



and weak

You see me as I dive below to meet your worried gaze as my warm lips meet your wrinkled forehead

We see each other as we rise




For the rest of our lives

This goes out to anyone whose loved ones are trying there hardest to hide their pain during this trying time.

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