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To anyone who wonders upon this website, welcome and thank you. I welcome you into my thoughts, my hopes, my desires, and my issues. I thank you for giving me your time. Time is the most precious gift and for you to choose to spend it with me, even virtually is a blessing. I hope through this blog you will learn from me, and with your comments, learn from you. This, with all things I hold dear, is a mirror of myself, my spirit. It takes courage to be vulnerable during these times… so be gentle to me and to yourself. Once again, welcome, and thank you.

I have a story within me, and it will not lay dormant any longer. This is my promise to you, Katie. 


Why is our good nature temperamental

Why is it so hard to be gentle

Instead of that judgmental stare

How about be gentle without care

Don't let kindness be accidental

Instead make it fundamental

Why wait for love to be governmental or experimental

Choose to make love monumental

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