Sure, I'm Lazy
I am so lazy. Only after an hour of waking up along with the usual morning rush of anxiety and helplessness I could fall back asleep again. I am so lazy, sometimes I starve myself because I can't imagine going downstairs to cook. I am so lazy after doing 10 mins of chores that I have to take a break and regroup because I am overwhelmed with the task. I am so lazy I have to study weeks in advance because more than an hour of studying exhausts me completely and it could take days to feel "energized" again. I am so lazy because my mental illnesses will not allow me to go about my life like you. I've tried, and I usually become sick from exhaustion. The intertwining systems of my body are so sensitive because my mind is depressed yet filled with anxiety. Replying to texts and calls are a task. Interacting with classmates and people is a job all in itself. Brushing my teeth is way harder than it should be. Sleep is an all or nothing attempt. Any type of natural routine for most people is like a marathon for me. But guess what? Even though I feel all these things and more, I still go to school, I still manage to keep a clean home, I still manage to make decent grades, I still manage to have a good group of friends. I still manage work. It all takes me way longer and it calls for a lot of isolation, but it gets done. So even though I am deemed lazy to the world revolved around business and efficiency, I am one of the hardest working people I know. So the next time you call someone lazy, take a step back and see how much that person could be doing and dealing with on the inside before judging (Research fundamental attribution error). A person living with depression and anxiety is doing all they can to just complete things that take you 5 or 10 minutes. Remember this.