Too often my thoughts become decrepit as they age in my mind. Why do I push my thoughts aside continuously? When will I revere my ability to think, to ponder? How much time will pass until I utilize this masterpiece that was somehow created to set us apart from all other animals? How can I spend hours on my device just aimlessly scrolling through people's fake lives but not spend a full hour reading a book that I actually like? Call it ADD, call it laziness, call it what you want, but our failure as conscious beings is and has been that we do not honor our minds. When you directly look at someone you see their face, which includes their forehead. The forehead is where our frontal lobe is located which is responsible for judgement, planning, creativity and concentration. How can something that is anatomically placed in front be put behind so many unproductive distractions. Our minds are powerful so don't wait until various brain diseases rid your wonderful capabilities. Appreciate your mind now.